
Welcome! This site was created to be an addon supplement to my various social media accounts, a one stop shop for more in depth information on the various topics I cover.

If you are reading this message then you are either an early adaptor as I'm still working on putting the final site together or you came to find out more about #Justice4Chadd which can you can do by clicking the link below.

I'm thirsty for bourbons
I'm thirsty for bourbons

Love bourbon??
me too!!

Want more information or the backstory on the bourbons I have been sipping on lately? If so, you came to the right place.

I Love Music
I Love Music

In love with music ?
Check this out...

If you liked the music on my socials then you are going to want to check out this section.

One Mic
One Mic

if you can't respect that, your whole prospective is wack. Maybe you will love me when I fade to black” - Jay z

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